The Last Of The Real Hustlahz

Sunday, June 26, 2011

" The Loced-Out Attitudez: 1-2 "

In the blog post that I'd submitted here- I'd given a brief description of what exactly iz defined by the " independent culture " of having the Loced-Out Attitude. Refreshingly, the Loced-Out Attitude iz characteristic of having these 5 traitz:
  1. The world iz full of fascinating problemz waiting to be solved
  2. No problem should ever have to be solved twice
  3. Boredom and drudgery are evil
  4. Freedom iz good
  5. Attitude iz no substitute for competence

Now here go more in depth with an ezplanation of the first two traitz....
  • The world iz full of fascinating problemz waiting to be solved- Understand: Being a Loc isn't eazy at all, but it'z fun. However, it'z a kind of fun that takez a lot of effort, mainly, because az I've mentioned before, Locz are Independent!! ( the term Loc and the term Independent az it'z been previously defined on thiz site are interchangable termz.) The effort in itself alone takez motivation. Just az successful athletes get their motivation from a kind of physical delight in making their bodies perform, in pushing themselves past their own physical limits. Similarly, to be a Loc you have to get a basic thrill from solving problems, sharpening your skillz, and exercising your intelligence. ( Locz are creative thinkerz by nature. ) If you aren't the kind of person that feelz thiz way naturally you'll need to become one in order to make it az an independent. Otherwise you'll find your Loced-Out energy iz sapped by distractionz like sex/porn, the allure of obtaining fast cash, and social approval/social-networking approval on time jacking social-networking sitez, i.e. Facebook ...when you could and should be studying and acquiring the necessary skillz and connectionz to BUILD YOUR OWN FACEBOOK!! 
  • No problem should ever have to be solved twice- Creative brainz are a valuable, limited resource. They shouldn't be wasted on re-inventing Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter when there are so many fascinating new problemz (like building better platformz and communitiez ) waiting out there. To behave like a Loc, you have to believe that the thinking time of other independentz iz preciouz-so much so that it'z almost a moral duty for you to share information, solve problemsz and then give the solutionz away justs so other Locz can solve " new " problemz instead of having to perpetually re-addrezz old onez. Note, however, that " no problem should ever have to be solved twice. " doez not imply that you have to consider all existing solutionz sacred, or that there iz only one right solution to any given problem. Often, we learn a lot about the problem that we didn't know before by studying the first cut at a solution. It'z OK, and often necessary, to decide that we can do better. What's not OK iz " hoarding knowledge ", which preventz a good solution from being re-used and " forces " people to re-invent wheelz. ( You don't have to believe that you're obligated to give all of your ideaz, connectz, and productz away, though the independentz that do are the onez that get most respect from other Locz and independentz. It'z consistent with the valuez of an independent to sell enough of it to keep you in living expenses and with the toolz to continue to create and expound on new ideaz. It'z fine to use your skillz az an independent to support a family or even to get rich , az long az you don't forget your loyalty to your art and your culture of fellow independents and Locz while doing it.)
Much love and respect to ESR. For those who've yet to figure out ESR....." RTFM "

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

" Independece: Another Word For Nothing Else To Lose "

    From thiz point  forward, when I use the term " independent artist ", that term is used to describe the creative and productive expression available to all of the those who possess the code. This expression could aptly be called " the genius " or be expressed in the frame of other creative/productive endeavors where those who possess the code become brilliant.
     Independence teaches us that whatever our philosophy of the universe may be, ultimately the responsibility for the kind of world in which we live rests with each and every one of us.

( Law 3: Independence: Another word for nothing else to lose. { Law 3, written and constructed by the group called The Loced-OutLawz. More info about this group can be found @ )

Thursday, June 16, 2011

" The Devil'z Greatest Deception "

hacker emblem

If I had 10, and you had 5, and we approached the situation from a " basic " mathematical point of view it is clear who has more between the 2 of us. But a lot of artist have more reliance on a certain part of their brain then,say, a lot of scientist and mathematicians do. Left-brains skills. Right-brain skills. If 2 people were asked to choose between a nickel and a dime, and the person that chose the nickel over the dime did so because the nickel was larger in size than the dime, it would be apparent that money was not the primary motivating factor in that person's decision making process at that time.
Now, remember when I said earlier that if I had 10 and that if you had 5, that I'd be the one who'd have more? Well....that's the hook-line-sinker mentality right there. ( Those who have eye'z to see, let them see ).
So, now , given all that's been stated...if I were to tell you that 10=Devil and 5=God...which number would you choose?

Make you choice here:

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

" How To Become An Independent "

There is a community, a shared culture, of expert programmers and networking musicians that traces its history back through decades. The members of this culture originated the term " independent ". The independents built the music industry on the internet. The independents made the way a search engine chases down money what it is today. The independents " run " the internet. The independents make the music industry in the World Wide Web work. If you are part of this culture, if you have contributed to it and other people in it know who you are and call you an independent, you're an independent.
Granted, there's also another group of people who loudly call themselves independents, but aren't. These are the people who infiltrate our networks and get a kick out of hacking our systems in hopes to copy our ideas, and when they realize that they can't figure out how and why our codes are working, they use their money and political influences to establish laws in attempts to control it. Real independents call these people mainstream capitalist and want nothing to do with them. Real independents mostly think these people are snakes, lazy, irresponsible, " not very bright ", and object that being able to sell a million albums for .99 cent (in the digital format) doesn't make you an independent artist any more than setting up a web page to promote the album doesn't make you a Napster. Unfortunately, a lot of people who were in their teens when iTunes first hit the scene have been fooled into thinking that the artist who are "mainstream" today, are the ones who make the music industry on the internet what it is today.
The basic difference is this: Independents build things.....mainstream society/media destroys them!!!!!
If you want to be an independent, keep following independents. Here's a nice place to start for beginners who have put serious thought into their careers as artist, and what role the internet is to play in their advancement as artist in the next decade-

Monday, June 13, 2011

" Everybody Iz Expendable "

Thiz law states that thiz iz war. Period. That " thiz iz war ", cannot be strezzed enough. If you do not understand military science, then thiz iz not the industy that you need to be in. Thiz iz every war that has ever existed in the history of mankind...and YOU are likewise, every soldier who has ever fought in it. Your knowledge and the execution of your knowledge determinez your existence or your non-existence. This law iz not to be disobeyed at any cost. There are no exceptionz to thiz rule. Disobey thiz rule to your own demise. You must think with a military mind at all timez. You must live in the mind of John Rambo when he stated, " there are no innocent civilians."
It'z you against your opponent. One person uses hiz tacticz out of fear. The other person uses tacticz out of courage.
What you think about creates what manifest in your life.....

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