The Last Of The Real Hustlahz

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

" The 5 Fundamental Truths Of Strength And Weakness "

 Chairman Mao wrote : " No leader is endowed by heaven with an ability to seize the initiative. It is the intelligent leader who does so after a careful study and estimate of the situation and arrangement of the military and political factors involved. "

  1.  Take the Initiative- The most effective and decisive way to reach  any objective is to seize, retain, and exploit the initiative. Being on the offensive puts you in control and forces the opponent to react.Taking the initiative is first a strategic mental process followed by real tactical action. By acting first, you preserve freedom of action. If your opponent moves first, your only choice may be to react. The keys to the successful initiative are skill, preparation, and information. ONLY RARELY WILL EXACT DETAILS BE KNOWN. In this Digital/Information Age that we live in, data is needed to launch the offensive; normally, the sooner that something is done, the better will be the odds in your favor, and the better will be the results. Remember: Action must be matched by wisdom.
  2. Plan Surprise- Practice secrecy. Secrecy protects your plans, while surprise confuses your opponent. Learn to play the bluff game. Even though your current position may be weak, you can do things to divert the competition from knowing your position. The objective of surprise is to obtain a psychological dominance that denies the initiative to your opponent. Speed is an essential component of surprise. The longer you take, the more likely your opponent will be aware of your actions. 
  3. Gain Relative Superiority- This is the way that guerrillas win. They found out where the enemy is weak and overwhelm at that point. When you try to concentrate everywhere you have no concentration. Specialization enhances your chances to win. Implement. Segment. Concentrate. Form an alliance. Achieve superior product or service quality. It's a business fundamental that you must focus your resources where you can achieve results profitably.
  4. Seek Knowledge- As the Indomitable Bodhidharma, the great Shoalin Monk said, " Seek knowledge from here to China. "
  5. Be Flexible- When we are rigid, we are predictable. Predictability is a weakness. Being predictable can signal your intended actions to your competitors. Keep in mind: Being consistent and predictable aren't the same thing. By all means be consistent.


Jack said...

Flexibility is far more important than people realize. It allows and enables us to do more than we ourselves can imagine.

Peta.Loc said...

Hey, Jack..thank you for stopping by and blessing us with your presence. I offer you my peace and may good fortune find you.
Yes. In the Sangha they teach us " the method of no method ".

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