The Last Of The Real Hustlahz

Sunday, November 20, 2011

" The Tao Of Relationships "- Hear/Like/Share It

Artist, UNDERSTAND: More than ever before, you have to build that relationship with your fans. Especially online. Think about how easy it is to just not bother and simply go elsewhere to find whatever it is that you may be searching for online. If whatever you're searching for doesn't fit your immediate taste at the time that you launch the search, what do you do? You go elsewhere. and elsewhere. then somewhere else until you find what you're looking for. No matter how good your music is, it's competing with millions of other choices. If not billions.
So. The simplest way to promote your music and build an economic relationship with a consumer is to let them hear your music. Let them hear it repeatedly, without RESTRICTION. Let them grow to love your music and hear it as a part of their collection. If the relationship that you build with your consumers turns out to be REAL, maybe....just maybe you'll have a shot at some of their cash that they have worked so hard to earn. Cash that they must manage to the penny in today's economy in order to stay afloat. And I hate to be the bearer of bad news but ummm''....this type of relationship does not happen overnight, my friend. THIS IS NOT A REALITY SHOW! This is reality. Don't get it twisted and by all means don't take it personal- it's just how capitalism works ( or doesn't work? ). You provide value,  then you are rewarded with money.
UNDERSTAND: You don't get the money first- and you don't get to decide what value is. Sorry. 

All suffering begins with (1) our wanting something we either do not have or (2) something we do not need. 

Here's keeping with the act of sharing. Peace. Coincidence Or Conspiracy by Peta-Loc


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