The Last Of The Real Hustlahz

Friday, March 25, 2011

" Dear God Can I Make Amendz "

Dear God,
Can I make amendz?
I waz abducted,
I didn't realize the livez I've corrupted.
Started sellz dope at an early age,
Cause I waz frustrated, deeply, at an early stage..
and we waz broke.
In my cage I'm hearing homiez cry,
Cause all the soulz that went astray are being multiplied..
I know I lied...
When I told you I waz gonna change,
But I gotta ride, for them souljahz out there in the game..
Until I die.
Too much pain and so much misery...
everytime I pray,
because I feel like you ain't hearing me..
so show me G'z..
Manifested in thiz Great Depression
Paying my duez and coming up...I done learned my lessonz..
look what I'm left with-
No protection from thiz indigence,
I reminisce,
on T.D.C. and doing sentencez,
My niggaz missed!
But I know we'll meet up in the end..
Just do ya bidz,
Dear God Can I Make Amendz...
I'm tryna make em'-endz..
I do realise that through all of thiz, that there's a lot of confusion surrounding the gap between the workz that I'm releasing and my age. What people aren't focussing on iz the fact that...13 and one-half of my 34 yearz of walking the planet earth that I've been incarcerated in at least one of Amerikkkaz vast prison systemz. Press rewind when you come up against thiz fact the next time that it arises in your own mind and do the math yourself. Then fast-forward that same fact into the present moment and look at the stats: NUMBERZ DON'T LIE! 8 yearz in the Federal Prison System..released October 8th, 2009 to the half-way house (another institution altogether)...released from that institution on or around April, 28th, 2010..and today iz what...March 25th, 2011?
Now you tell me......where else doez a reality like the one you are currently witnessing happen at? HIS-TORY IN THE MAKING, BABY...HIZTORY N' D' MAKING!!!


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