The Last Of The Real Hustlahz

Friday, August 26, 2011

" 4 Ways To Attack The Music Industry By Stratagem "


" The true aim is not so much to seek battle as to seek a strategic situation so advantageous that if it does not of itself produce the decision, its continuation by battle is sure to achieve this "- B. H. Liddell Hart

    The first rule is to pay painstaking attention to the needs and wants of your fans and the ability of the artists on your label/team to fulfill those needs. Great strategy never reacts to the competitor; instead, strategy defines the opportunity in terms of the fans and then considers the situation in the competitive environment. Strategy in the music industry is not to be looked at as a competitive game. ( After all...this is art, right? ). " Do more, better, faster " is not strategy. Strategy focuses on adding real value to the fans. Strategy does not seek confrontation; instead, it seeks to achieve objectives with minimum combat.
  1. WIN WITHOUT FIGHTING- The concept of being victorious without engaging in conflict is fundamental. To apply this concept, it is necessary to seek victory before entering the competitive arena. This concept of winning before the battle applies to every situation. Strategy is a  planning process. It is war on paper. It is doing the right thing. It is seeking victory before the battle. Tactics is a contact process. It is the action of the war. It is doing things right., It is the battle.
  3. BEWARE OF " HIGH-LEVEL DUMB "- No ONE person knows all the answers. Sometimes your manager just may not be right. We live in the Information Age. Make the search engines your best friend when it comes to researching for " how to dos "; trust'll be rewarded. Traditional artist and managers have a tendency to resist new information because it might cause them to change their course of direction. ( Change is the essence of  life, and the industry is changing as you read this at light speed.) 
  4. OBEY FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES- here are a few fundamental principles that must be obeyed in the music business at all cost:
Organize an Intelligence System: Know your market as well as you know yourself. Decision making must be data driven.
Maintain Objectives: Determine a clear direction and keep a steady aim. Do not wander down side tracks.
Establish a Secure Position: Strengthen your core knowledge and skills. Occupy a position that cannot easily be taken by your opponent.
Keep on the Offensive: Being on the offensive preserves artistic freedom of action and keeps you in control.
Plan Surprise: This is the best way to gain psychological dominance. Speed is an essential component of surprise.
Practice Economy of Force: When you concentrate in one area, you'll be weak in another. 
Keep It Simple: The simple works best. Even the simplest plans can be difficult to execute. 
    Now....If you practiced patience and read to the end of this post ( trust me, if you think reading it took effort...imagine having to write it. But hey, someone has to do it, right?) , there's something else besides knowledge to be gained from it after all. Here's a treat. Just a small token of my appreciation: 
P. S.- If you cheated and hit the link without reading the article, shame on only cheated yourself.


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