The Last Of The Real Hustlahz

Monday, September 5, 2011

" Never Put Too Much Trust In Friends, Learn How To Use Enemies "

I'm more than sure that if you're an individual who seeks power that you are familiar with the title of those words,and with  whom America deems the author of them. " Do you claim that you don't know " ? That would be a remarkable man by the name of Mr. Robert Greene. ( A man to whom a lot of psuedo-gangsta's and gamesta's owe their " School Of Hard Knocks " diplomas to.  On behalf of all  The Last Real Hustlahz that are  still  walking amongst us in the flesh today, WE'D like to take this moment to thank you for getting them out of our way to success. You saved us all a whole lot of trouble. Lol. But seriously.....

It is a business fundamental that the strategy must be correct for the tactics to succeed.( Trust me: I think that dipping down Interstate-10 in a 1999 Cadillac with a half of a kilogram of crack-cocaine in my trunk clearly will illustrate the truth within that business fundamental. ) There's no chicken and egg problem anywhere in that equation. It's simple mathematics dating back to, " what, I don't know....Egypt...Greece? ". The strategy must be right first; you must be doing the right thing. Then the tactics can support the strategy by doing things right. Excellent strategy at higher levels can sustain many tactical failures at lower levels.

Whatever your strategic plan is, it cannot be conceived in a tactical vacuum. Strategies must consider tactics, and successful tactical implementation requires an appreciation of strategy. Otherwise.....the tactician will not understand why he or she is doing what. When we do not understand the underlying concepts, we do not have the ability to improve or improvise properly.

 Be wary of friends...they will betray you more quickly, for they are easily aroused to envy. They also become spoiled and tyrannical. But hire a former enemy and he will be more loyal than a friend, because he has more to prove. In fact, you have more to fear from friends than from enemies. If you have no enemies, find a way to make them.

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P.S.- Note: Free downloads are included in the widget.  ( Just for the record, this post was inspired by my friend and comrade Angeloi Mon Cagliostro. Thanks for consistently asking me thought provoking questions. I love you for that. Hope my answers are sufficient. )


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