The Last Of The Real Hustlahz

Sunday, October 2, 2011

" Know Who You're Blogging About...Do Not Offend The Wrong Person "


Attention Hip-Hop Community: Never utilize the services of Mark W. Schaefer for your marketing needs. He believes that we're not critical thinkers.

 Be convinced, that there are no persons so insignificant and  inconsiderable, but may, some time or other, have it in their power to be of use to you; which they certainly will not, if you have once shown them contempt. Wrongs are often forgiven, but contempt never is. Our pride remembers it for ever. ( Lord Chesterfield, 1694-1773)

          " You obviously know how to read, but are you a critical thinker? ".  Thank you Mr. John Falchetto for that excellent post by the way. For those who missed the post here's the link: . Ask anyone who knows me well and they'll be the first to tell you that Quintius, the artist more commonly known by his stage name Mr. Peta-Loc, is what is called a biographical rapper. I take pieces out of everyday life and I document them in the form of songs. The majority of the time the pieces that make up the compositions are chosen directly from something that has at one time or another happened in my life. Now mind you, any " reality " rapper will be the first to tell you, the lyrics you hear in their songs are spoken in relevance to the past. If we were really out in society doing the things that we rapped about it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the one of two places we'd be other than sitting at the computer writing a blog post.
            Now, I first must apologize to the fans of my music who come here to receive good ol' fashion hardcore rap music mixed with a lot of knowledge and education. I must break from the norm with this post but I promise you we'll be back to business shortly after. ( However, you're still going to get what you came for ). Just bear with me.
           The past couple of days have revealed  me something real interesting. Especially dealing with a man who's taught me tons of stuff about tons of topics that I didn't know until I met him. You guys may want to stop by his site and pay him a little visit. You all know that I have never led you in the wrong direction. Here's a link that will get you there. His name is Robert Dempsey. . Ironically enough, the link that I just shared with you will reveal to you, I hope, exactly what was revealed to me: THE BLOGGING COMMUNITY IS A LOT LIKE THE HIP-HOP COMMUNITY.
          I realize that there will be parties from both of these two communities that will write me off as a lunatic but before you do, I beg you to read the comments to that post in the link, put your " critical " thinking cap on and give it a bit more thought. Once you have done so I assure you that you'll plainly see that there is a method to my madness after-all.
          In the hip-hop community, if you put out a song and someone gives you your props, you say thank you and inform that person that their input has been well honored and respected. In the hip-hop community, when you mention someones name in a song, you try your best to opt out for a nice shout out as opposed to " going against the grain ". However, if you just so happen to be the Billy bad ass that goes against the grain you have to know beforehand that there will be an answer along the same lines that you presented yourself to the hip-hop community. ( I'm about to bring this to a close...I promise ).

Dear Mr. Mark W. Schaefer,
I'm writing you this letter to make it as clearly known to the online world as possible that I read your comments to Mr. Robert Dempsey's post and I feel that deep down, being that  you took it upon yourself to mention my name in your comments, that you were referring to me when you made the statement that people don't think critically. More so, when I replied to your comment and asked you to be so kind and lend to me your personal definition to what it means to be a critical thinker, I feel that I was blatantly ignored for whatever reason. No fret whatsoever as far as the definition is concerned. Gratefully, Mr. John Falchetto supplied a definition that I'm able to live with here: . However, before you ever mention my name in an online forum again where it will be readily accessible for all the public to read I strongly suggest that you do yourself two huge favors. 1. Mind your own business ( Mr. Dempsey and I were speaking about something on a totally different level per se. If you thought critically before you made the comment you'd have noticed that I've NEVER had sidebars on my blog. ) 2. Use the search engines sometime so you'd at least know who it is that you're speaking about when you make reference to that persons name, sir. 

P.S.- I'll leave you with the words of  Robert Greene taken from the book " The 48 Laws Of Power ". Never assume that the person you are dealing with is weaker or less important than you are. You can never be sure who you are dealing with. A man who is of little importance and means today can be a person of power tomorrow. We forget a lot in our lives, but we rarely forget an insult. Never reject with an insult until you know a person better; you may be dealing with a Genghis Khan.

P.S.S.- I just thought about something. Since my readers come here to get knowledge and music it wouldn't be fair to neither them nor you without leaving them with some music. So I'll kill two birds with one stone. They've already heard the song so their treat will be a free download. As for you...never mind Google, this is who I am: As Is!!


Robert Dempsey said...

Hi Quintius - great quotes in your post here. Also I'm glad that I have had the opportunity to help you with your blogging if even in a small way. Now to the biggest point you have here.

There are more than a few ways to look at people and how they act, but they typically lean either positive or negative. Saying that people don't think critically is a negative view of people and one that I don't agree with.

Do people share things online without reading the entire post? Sure. Does that happen with my blog? I know it does thanks to analytics. I'm sure it happens on Mark's blog as well.

Open debate is good for everyone, however insulting the intelligence of people isn't a good debate technique, in fact it's avoiding it, much like how Mark avoided your request for a definition and my additional comment on the analysis I did.

To the wrap that in a "I'm trying to help you be a thought leader" is a cop out.

As with every story there is more to it, but at the end of the day my crystal ball is broken and I'm not a psychic so I don't know why Mark only attacked the analysis and wouldn't address any other points. From experience that tells me he has no logical or reasonable argument of his own.

We see that in politics all the time. What do you do when you don't have a leg to stand on? Ignore the rest and attack a single point hoping no one pays attention to the rest.

That might happen some places but no on my blog, of which you are a part.

Thanks Quintius.

Peta.Loc said...

Thank you for the comment Robert. You are well respected in my eyes and hopefully that respect will spill over onto others whom I know that respects my judgement. I entered the blogging community to connect with people and to learn by standing on the shoulders of the giants who paved the path before me. I'm still a baby in this community with a lot to learn. So far and fortunately there are people like yourself and others that I've been led to explore through knowing you that have opened up an entire treasure chest of knowledge. We all make mistakes but we live and we learn. Such is life. Hope to have you back in the future. Thanks, pal.

Unknown said...

Good stuff, Quintius, and interesting to see you are rapidly getting connecting with us Triber people. I know John Falchetto, Robert Dempsey and Mark Schaeffer (I have the latter two in my tribes). I would not make too much of what might first be read as a dis (the "critical thinker" thing); sometimes when you read it again, you see that it might not have been targetted at you. I don't really know - I checked the link on Falchetto's blog, read comments, anf the only one I saw of Mark's made no mention of you specifically.
But I'll go on the record agreeing with you wholeheartedly on this: DO be careful who you even come close to attacking, and not because of how big or powerful they might be. I reign that impulse in - because of what they might someday do for me if I don't offend them today.
A great simple quote from the investments guru Warren Buffet: "you don't lose the ability to call someone a jerk tomorrow by refraining to call them one today."

Unknown said...

Hey, Quintius,

Sad to see my last comment was lost ;-(

I came on your blog just to see what you're about, what you write, etc., and since I know (via Robert, John and alas... Mark too, I had to read this post of yours.
Take stands, ruffle feathers, call people out, and make "come-backs" when you falter. We're all developing, Marc is not the FCC (sorry, Eminem's "...the FCC wont let me be..." came to mind) and we all all pretty supportive. I hope you find that when you get your butt into Triberr. SKYPE me if I canbe of assistance - like, for advice on that?
Just a thought, if you rap, include an audio bit, like a podcast, sound only or with video, with some of your blog posts? I can tell you what the benefits are (several!)
Stay strong, stay loud, stay who you are,


Peta.Loc said...

Mr. Saul, so happy to have you. As I quoted in my most recent post, text are text. It takes a real skilled individual to manifest emotions in their writing. An example, when I was young and was introduced to the scared scriptures, I came across some real gruesome scenes. But those were just the text. Upon hearing those words verbally with " emotion " added to them they came to life before my eyes. But alas, experience is the greatest teacher. In other words, Mr. Mark is a part of my cipher.
Magically, you speak of the Tribe. I'm awaiting to get my rites of passage. I'd be honored to be a part of you and the remainder of the Tribe. I'm sure we live by the same codes.
It's all love. Once again...thank you.

John Falchetto said...

Thanks for the mention Quintius.

I agree with you, if you paint everyone with the same brush "people are not critical thinkers' you need to be ready to answer questions and not dodge them like Mark did in my post.

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