The Last Of The Real Hustlahz

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

" Loced-Out Recordz: The Open-Source Record Label "

On The March
" Strategically, a secure position establishes a fanbase for the offensive squad. Tactically, this secure position helps you use your natural strengths. Positions where you can occupy a key strong point are important in every endeavor. There are only a few leaders in each industry; everyone else marches in their shadow. 
In order for a position to be secure, we must " own " it. We " own " a position because of a perceived strength- the perception IS indeed the reality. People accept only that which is consistent with what they already know as they add to their perceptions about the position of a product or service. 
All positions are in the mind, and the entry into the mind is through emotions, not logic. Logic sounds most convincing to the presenter; it is in the emotions of the receiver that positions are changed. In thinking about attacking competitive positions, the first rule is:"  IT'S VERY, VERY, DIFFICULT TO MOVE INTO A POSITION OCCUPIED BY SOMEONE ELSE......" 
As always, fans, friends. It's love!!!!
Can I Make Amends (prod by B-Zy Brain) by Peta-Loc


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