The Last Of The Real Hustlahz

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Leader Haz Arizen

  The Undizputed King Of Hardcore Adult-Contempory Rap Music haz arizen....pluz, I "beg" you to cover the earz of ya children. Not ya lil' onez. No, they're alright...I'm talkin' to the onez that you swear break ya back in everynight....that'z right! When in all reality....ya need to be breakin' yaself!!!!
  I AM THE ONE. That...I am not here to deny. BUT...I AM NOT THE ONE THAT YOU THINK I AM! I knock the brainz out of falsehood. I AM THE TRUTH...WOE TO THE HYPOCRITEZ AND THE NON-BELIEVERZ.
  It feelz "soooo" good to be spat out of the Belly Of The Beast into thiz now world of music. The Illusion of the Industry haz been exposed. Those who have eyez..let them see! There'z a new revoluton on the platform. Madd love to Sean Parker and Shawn Fanning. Yall are worthy to be paid homage to. Just think what we could've made happen if you guyz, Mark Z., and I had all crozzed one anotherz path back when Napster first broke. (Well, not when it first broke..way before that point, I'm talking like back when there waz nothing but a lot of pot, a lot of energy drinkz, and a shitload of ideaz being tozzed around in Stonehenge. ) That'z crazy, huh?
  Ya know something even sicker? Minuz the pot, I still have the energy drinkz in the mix and about 8 yearz worth of revolutionary ideaz being tossed around inside of the INDCREDIBLE THINK TANK..and those jointz are like "backdated." Haven't even begin experimenting with the new shit that I done conjured up in what ..just 4 monthz we'll say? Let'z see, I got released from the FEDZ on  October 8th. It wazn't nomore than an hour had passed before I had a BlackBerry in my handz gazing at it like it waz a fucking detonator to some nuclear" what the fuck iz thiz?" So released from the half-way house in April of 2010. Get thiz, allowed some powder-headed waitrezz whom I waz workin' with at I-Hop to put me up a Facebook profile...yeah, IMAGINE HOW THAT WENT....." DELEDTED !". Didn't jump back online until Jan. of 2011. Correct me if I'm wrong but that'z umm' many monthz?
  One thing must be clarified in the beginning. I am an independent artist. All the riff-raff about the consistent use of the F-Bomb, come on now, iz that all yall can come at me with???? Seriously, peep the genre...HARDCORE! Do you guyz have any idea how long I've been waiting for the opportunity to straight say.....FUCK THE WORLD?? Apparently not.


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