The Last Of The Real Hustlahz

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"Its Been a Long Time Coming"

MrsLadyGeneral : "Mr. Peta'Loc, now, what exactly do you mean by the phrase...It'z Been a long time coming???"
( Thiz actual post waz written by MrsLadyGeneral..)

Peta'Locsta : " 'Last month marked the 10yr anniversary of "Loced-Out Recordz". "Loced-Out Recordz" is the brain-child of and individual who at the time of it'z creation, was trapped inside the belly of the beast. (For a second time may I ad).....Waitn to be regurgitated back onto the mean and vicious streetz of what we now know as "Ghetto Amerikkka'."
"Now mind you, 10 yrz ago it waz 2001,(he was 25 yrz old),and quite naturally one has to point out that the longevity of a rapper especially in the genere of hard core hip-hop is short lived, in the industry period. In all reality(statistically speakin)if you're a rapper and you havn't achieved a significant amount of success combined with a rather large amount of money to continue in your choozen path, age 25 iz the age that you really should get serious about finding a more lucative career to get you by during the later yearz of your lifetime. I mean, unlezz you have no problemz of actually personifying the tag of "the starving artist".
But at thiz point, thiz 10yr anniversary mark.. Let'z Get One Thing Clear: When I say that I've been in thiz rap industry for 10yrz, pleaze don't for one millisecond think that for the last 10 consecutive yearz of my life...agez 25-34, I've been in thiz rap industry trying to make something productive happen. That'z not the case at all. In April 2001 I had my own record label, 7 monthz later I had the block on fire, 7 monthz after that I had a Federal Narcoticz case. A case that ended up costing me 8 flat yearz in Federal Prizon. It doesn't take a mathmatical geniuz to figure out exactly what pecentage of thiz 10 yearz that Loced-Out Recordz haz existed waz there and acual entity making legitimate movez inside the music industry. True, "there waz movement", but every single move that waz made waz confined to the chow-hall, the rec yard, and back to the compound!
So just 4 dayz after the 10year anniversary of Loced_out Recordz comez the 1st official release of the long awaited, highly anticipated, critically acclaimed album: "The Cost Of Living". And it'z been a long time coming......"


Quintius Walker said...

Thiz iz an actual " first post " for MrsLadyGeneral, who just recently became an author on the blog. Very good, Ma, keep up the good work sweetie...

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