The Last Of The Real Hustlahz

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Last Of The Real Hustlahz: " The Revolution Will Not Be Televised "

Dear fanz & friendz alike, if you have been keeping a microscopic watch on the state of the music industry, then I'm sure that you've noticed that there iz a MAJOR CHANGE unfolding right before your very eyez. There iz a full-fledge WAR  going on within the industry. The WAR iz between the Independentz and the " Mainstream ".
I'm honored to announce that I have been chosen az one of the prime ambassadorz to battle in defense of Independent Hip-Hop music. Az a result, Loced-Out Recordz az a company iz in the current procezz of expanding our staff. We are currently seeking employeez in variouz departmentz.
For detailz about the available positionz that can be applied for, please go to
and hit the like button.
  • Leave name
  • Leave contact info
  • explain your current position ( ex...artist seeking to sign, producer, promoter, fan seeking to become staff, etc...
The doorz are wide open to the public so if thiz information servez you no purpose then why not hit the " share " button???
Az alwayz , thank you for listening and remember: The Revolution Will Not Be Televised!!!!!

Posted By Peta.Loc to The Last Of The Real Hustlahz at 5/08/2011 01:07:00 PM


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