The Last Of The Real Hustlahz

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

All Apologiez

" All Apologies " is the name of a song written by one of my fellow Gen-X'ers, pioneer of a new genre in the music industry (grunge), Kurt Cobain - MAY HE REST IN PEACE. I personally identify with Kurt on a lot of levelz :
  1. We're both a part of Generation X
  2. We're both Bipolar
  3. I have a lot of apologiez to make (Well, actually I don't but, I will)
 Peta'Loc az an artist, iz quite similar to Peta'Loc az a man outside of hiz lyricz. Can we first agree on that axiom at least? Now, if you befriend someone inside/outside of an online social network, it'z apparent that you've done so for a particular reason, right? ( Whatever that reason may be ). Now, whatever that reason may've been, truth of the matter iz that you accepted that person into your social setting. Correct?
So let'z start with something that we're all familiar with today in our era: FACEBOOK. Someone sends you a friend request or vice-versa and the beat rollz on, right? WRONG!!
We must be perfectly honest with ourselvez when it comez to befriending  ANYONE inside/outside of our social networkz. I, can only speak for myself when I say thiz but thiz is a lesson I learned way back in grade school. Some friendz turn out to be sour grapez, some enemiez turn out to be friendz, blah, get my drift?
Now. If someone acceptz my friend request on Facebook, to me, it'z perfectly clear- on my end at least - that thiz person knowz me and iz following instructionz in the pop-up box: " DO NOT SEND/ACCEPT UNLESS YOU ACTUALLY KNOW THIZ PERSON!
Soo..with that being said, " everyone who knowz Peta'Loc agree on one point if nothing else " When it comez to hiz relationz with a person...Peta'Loc iz gonna do what he doez best " KEEP IT REAL!
Okay Peta'Loc, where are we going with thiz? Well, I'll tell ya, " we're going head first into some more " real shit "!
If you know Peta'Loc az an artist, then you already know, when he rapz, he rapz about things that he'z experienced. Period. HE RAPZ ABOUT HIZ LIFE! You also know deep down in your heart that if you've EVER MADE ANY TYPE OF SINCERE CONNECTION WITH THE DUDE then..the probabilitez of you, and whatever that connection waz, being mentioned in one of hiz songz iz real high up on the ladder. How do you draw that conclusion? Well, because that's probably why you even became a FAN of the guyz music in the first place. ( Actually, that all goez back to the piece i'd written ealier entitled: " WHO'Z YOUR FAVORITE RAPPER?: " I fuckz wit' Jigga, Pac, Face, Eminem, and Nas because I know what they'
re going to deliver to me as a fan....everytime I fuck with them. Period. )
My question iz: " If you call yourself a fan, then suddenly you take yourself off of the fan list because something I said in one of my songz OFFENDED YOU...what part of what I said....IZN'T TRUE? Because God Almighty Himself will be the first to say : THE TRUTH DOEZN'T OFFEND. THOU SHALL NOT LIE/ Hence..back to the point of the matter -Peta'loc keepz it real ! I'm perfectly okay with airing out my dirtie laundery, shit.. I have Chinese laundry. Maybe if you've been offended by something I've said in one of my songz then maybe,..just maybe you should reel that laundry back in and see just how that blemish or stain got put there in the first place.
So like I said..All apologiez people! I apologize. I apologize for NOTHING OTHER THAN DIZAPPOINTING YOU IN MY MUSIC BY KEEPING IT 100% REAL!


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