The Last Of The Real Hustlahz

Thursday, August 4, 2011

" You Ever Felt Like This? "

I'm High
(I'm assuming you played the song??)
If you're already a fan and follower of my music then you're already familiar with the story of this song. If you're encountering this song for the first time , well, here's the story behind the song.
As I stated in the opening lines of the song, " Damn, I don't know whether to write a rap, or write a mutha fucking letter." So here I was, the time was approx. between 3a.m and 4a.m. The guards had already did there last count in the dorms so that meant that my Korean homie ( David Wee ) and I's official smoke session in the restrooms were over for this 24-hour period. He was across the hall in his dorm and I likewise, in mine. I'd pulled out my notebook to " originally " write my wife a letter. But something very strange happened as I began to jot down the first line, the letter took on the structure of a song ( in my mind ). The more and more I wrote, the more the contents of the song began to take on issues that I wanted to touch on in the letter anyway. So..instead of abandoning the thought of writing a letter for the idea of writing a song and vice-versa, I just allowed the words to flow and be whatever they choose to define themselves as in the end. Well...what manifested was a song-letter or a letter-song. ( For the lack of terminology to accurately describe such a manifestation.
Now...knowing what you" know " now....listen to the song again!!!!!

Granted....none of this was in any shape form or fashion " Premeditated ".
I'm High


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