The Last Of The Real Hustlahz

Monday, May 30, 2011

" 25 1st LIKES "

My first 25 mill,
First 25 yearz of my life,
tears and the strife,
first 25 LIKES.
Hit the " LIKE ",
my first 25,
Hit the dank...
you can let cha' hair up,
pick your share up,
at the bank.
I know you hit that share button,
when I talked about my cousin,
and all the shit my mom and daddy wasn't.
Me and Tonia struggling,
I alwayz keep it set for the troopz,
they're my famz,
and I love them.
But y'all didn't give a fuck
When I waz thugging....
The Last Of the...
Real G'z to do thiz,
I thought you peoplez knew thiz?
I hustle,
Sold dope,
But still a Buddhist,
" I'm Ill "....
before you misconstrue thiz,
I don't think you want to do thiz.
" I'm Trill "..
when you think about thiz music,
His-story repeatz itself....
Hova with the Blueprint.
Been everywhere
Where you went...
Yeah, this time
think that I must do Quint...
I got that shit that you sent.
for my...
man'z in the pen
doing life.
Know my 25 fans
get me right.
25 Mics...
I'm at the bank, y'all...
It'z Loced-Out Recordz at the door
I'd like to Thank Y'all.....

Saturday, May 21, 2011

It'z A Hard Knock Life

" Sorry, boyz...but all the money in the world couldn't bring me back again. Lay down, lay down.Gonna stretch my mic out in Starks funeral home in Dead Spot...always knew a man could stop there. But a whole lot sooner than a lot of people thought. THE LAST OF THE REAL HUSTLAHZ....well, maybe not the last..Terrance Fields gonna be a good rapper...
The new, IMPROVED L-O-C!
I quit, I'm retiring....ain't enough money in this game to keep me around...
Sorry, Pac....I tried, honest. Can't go with me on this ride though.
I'm calling the shotz.
Bars closing.....
Where we going for breakfast???

Murphey's Law: If it can happen, then it will happen. And somehow, someway, it has happened. There's really not any use trying to make an understanding out of the recent events that have transpired in my life within the last 72 hours. I mean, honestly, when you've given all that you can give into making a dream become a reality and it only serves to manifest as another nightmare, what's left to do but " light a match....blow the joint." All behind a drunk groupie named Arrikka Cassler running off her mouth in a drunkened stupor in the chat window on Facebook. know what? Yall get the post. It's Chinese laundry coming from my side every time I open my mouth. And if there's ever a time that Peta'loc the artist hasn't spoken the me, un-fan me, ban me...crucify me..Please. The same thing happened to Jesus. And look at him now....he's worshipped.
Understand This: It's not about the fame or the riches. I was writing songs and rapping long before I knew that I could get paid for doing it. Music is an expression of my inner-soul. All the attachments are what mankind placed onto it. All the people who I once rapped for to get them out of their hard-aches and hard-ships are dead and gone. I'm the last one left.'s just me and against the world now. Living out my artistic life " Thug I can't smile ". 
Damnit feels good to be the Locsta.......


Friday, May 20, 2011

The War Report

"The best policy in war is to attack the enemy's strategy. The second best way is to disrupt his alliances through diplomatic means. The next best method is to attack his army in the field...."
 By now we are all aware that we az independent artist and you az fanz of independent artist are at war. I, Mr. Peta'Loc, the " undizputed king of underground digital hardcore hip-hip music " A.K.A.- The here today to bring to you THE WAR REPORT.
I ask of you az comradez, alliez, fanz, and supporterz of our troopz over at THE INDIE FUNDA PROJECT to please not be dizcouraged by my seemingly " leave of absence " . I assure you. I have not abandoned you. My position at thiz time can be found " in the trench'z " . However, there are an astronomical amount of high ranking officialz who are stationed in variouz bases throughout our cyber-planet in which you may easily get in contact with me via those officialz if..and only " if " are familiar with the code.
Thank you, 
Mr. Peta'Loc

" Generally, in war the best thing of all is to take the enemy's state whole and intact; to ruin it is inferior to this. To capture the enemy's entire army is better than to destroy it; to take intact a whole platform , a company of one-million a- day viewed site, is better than to destroy them. Hence, to win one hundred page views in battle is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence."

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

AmericasUnwanted: What the Hell You Going to Do Now?

AmericasUnwanted: What the Hell You Going to Do Now?: "Alright, alright. Many people that visit this blog or even join are people that have barely gotten speeding tickets! That tells me that the ..."

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Last Of The Real Hustlahz: " The Revolution Will Not Be Televised "

Dear fanz & friendz alike, if you have been keeping a microscopic watch on the state of the music industry, then I'm sure that you've noticed that there iz a MAJOR CHANGE unfolding right before your very eyez. There iz a full-fledge WAR  going on within the industry. The WAR iz between the Independentz and the " Mainstream ".
I'm honored to announce that I have been chosen az one of the prime ambassadorz to battle in defense of Independent Hip-Hop music. Az a result, Loced-Out Recordz az a company iz in the current procezz of expanding our staff. We are currently seeking employeez in variouz departmentz.
For detailz about the available positionz that can be applied for, please go to
and hit the like button.
  • Leave name
  • Leave contact info
  • explain your current position ( ex...artist seeking to sign, producer, promoter, fan seeking to become staff, etc...
The doorz are wide open to the public so if thiz information servez you no purpose then why not hit the " share " button???
Az alwayz , thank you for listening and remember: The Revolution Will Not Be Televised!!!!!

Posted By Peta.Loc to The Last Of The Real Hustlahz at 5/08/2011 01:07:00 PM

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"Its Been a Long Time Coming"

MrsLadyGeneral : "Mr. Peta'Loc, now, what exactly do you mean by the phrase...It'z Been a long time coming???"
( Thiz actual post waz written by MrsLadyGeneral..)

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Last Of The Real Hustlahz: The Leader Haz Arizen

The Last Of The Real Hustlahz: The Leader Haz Arizen: "  The Undizputed King Of Hardcore Adult-Contempory Rap Music haz arizen....pluz, I 'beg' you to cover the earz of ya children. Not ya lil' o..."

The Last Of The Real Hustlahz: "The Two-Faced Baztard"

The Last Of The Real Hustlahz: "The Two-Faced Baztard": "Came onto thiz earth without no mama OR no daddy Even Jesus waz birthed, So somebody had to have me. My two mutha fucking Granniez... TH..."

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